Unbaking powder, the two reactive constituents are blended with a filler which consists of corn, rice, wheat or tapioca starch or just wheat flour. 在焙烤粉中,将面种反应组分同一种含有玉米、大米、小麦或木薯淀粉或适当的小麦面粉的填充料混合。
Pork, shredded, marinated in soy sauce, wine and tapioca flour. 猪肉,切丝,酱油酒太白粉腌泡。
( British usage) sweetened porridge made of tapioca or flour or oatmeal cooked quickly in milk or water. (英国用法)加糖的麦片粥,由木薯粉或面粉、燕麦片快速在牛奶或水里煮熟。